Sunday, December 18, 2005
Santa is coming!
Santa is coming in one week! I saw him at the store and told him what I wanted. I want paper like Mom and Dad have in their printer but I want a pack all of my own so they won't get mad when I take theirs.
I also want the Roboraptor. He looks like a dinosaur and a robot at the same time and you can control him. I really want it but Mom says it is too big and I have too many toys already.
This weekend Dad told Mom he was going to recount all of his comic books and give some away. He had the boxes out and stacked really high and told Mom not to come down because she would knock the comics over and he would have to start all over.
I decided to go through my toys and give some things away. And there's also some things Dad gets from work that are neat toys and brand new and we drive them over to the church to give to kids who don't have a lot of money. Some of them don't even have money for shoes or food, so we give toys and money sometimes.
When I was making stacks of toys to give away, I noticed something: Dad wasn't doing any counting. I went over and looked.
The counting is A TRICK. He built a HUGE shelf for Mom's flowers so she can grow them inside. It has lights and everything. IT IS HUGE. Dad is hiding it for Christmas by stacking all his comic book boxes around and he says Mom hates comics and will never come down now. He is a sneaky Dad!
Then I read some Christmas books to my sister, but then I wanted to do my own. I got this idea that maybe an elf would go crazy just before Christmas and steal Santa's sleigh. Only he wouldn't have reindeers, but his pet alligator. And he would go around giving lizards and fish and hamsters to all the kids who asked for them but their parents said no. I ask for goldfish every year and never get them. If the crazy elf was real, he would get me a goldfish. And the Roboraptor.
I only just started, but here's the sleigh.

I need to color it in and add a bag of snakes in the back. The elf should have a red beard, like my Dad is growing. You should see it it is really scratchy and it's not red on the sides. He has white whiskers on the side and Mom said he getting old and Dad says we're not going to talk about it.
When the crazy elf goes to the first house, he visits two brothers who asked for a pet iguana. When the flying alligator lands they are shocked out of their brains because they think the alligator is for them. They are also worried they could get eaten, but he is a good alligator and only eats the abomible snowmen that live in the cold places like they showed in Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
See their faces?

I am working on faces a lot in my drawing. They are hard! I tried to do one of Rachel my babysitter but it didn't come out like her real face. Parts of it looked her, but other parts didn't. But I think I did a good job with the boys. They look like they have to pee in their pants!
I have to think up a good name for the crazy elf, but I think I will call the alligator Robbie the Reptile Reindeer.
I can't wait for Christmas!
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Thomas, I love your picture of the boy's face! Faces are interesting to draw, they take a lot of practice! I like how you put the alligator tail in the first picture.
My husband has a red beard like your daddy's. He has white hairs growing in his too. We just say they are "blonde".
I hope you have a great Christmas. (And I'm glad your feet got all warm again!)
My husband has a red beard like your daddy's. He has white hairs growing in his too. We just say they are "blonde".
I hope you have a great Christmas. (And I'm glad your feet got all warm again!)
Thomas I sure am glad that the alligator would eat the Abominable Snowman! He always really really scared me when I watched "Rudolph" at Christmas! I can't wait to see more pictures of the crazy elf!
It was very sweet of you to read Christmas books to your sister, and i know Santa was watching! I hope he gives you everything you asked for!
It was very sweet of you to read Christmas books to your sister, and i know Santa was watching! I hope he gives you everything you asked for!
Christmas is *so* soon, Thomas! I'm making a little doll for my younger sister, have you made stuff for your family too?
I really like the faces you drew too. Like ambeart says, they take a lot of practice. I think it's great that your babysitter's face came out really good in some parts. You're definitely better at drawing than I was at your age, and my job is in art now, so keep working at it and you'll probably end up way better than me! :)
In case I don't get the chance to write again over the next week, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I really like the faces you drew too. Like ambeart says, they take a lot of practice. I think it's great that your babysitter's face came out really good in some parts. You're definitely better at drawing than I was at your age, and my job is in art now, so keep working at it and you'll probably end up way better than me! :)
In case I don't get the chance to write again over the next week, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I always had a problem with drawing faces too. Your pictures are very nice, and I love the story! (When I was little, what I really wanted was a PONY.)
Hope you have a great Christmas!
Hope you have a great Christmas!
Hey Thomas,
Sounds like a really cool story you're writing there. Good pictures also. Hope you get everything you want from Santa!
Sounds like a really cool story you're writing there. Good pictures also. Hope you get everything you want from Santa!
Your dad is sneaky - great trick! I'm sure you'll get all kinds of great stuff for Christmas - Santa tends to look kindly on people who have done as many nice things as you have.
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