Friday, April 13, 2007


Bad luck for Abby

Abby is dead.

I got up to feed her and she was floating at the bottom with her head straight down and not moving. She looked really dark too and she is normally bright orange so that means she was dead.

I ran and told Dad right away. It was 5:02 in the morning. Dad was really upset. He laid there with his eyes closed and moved his mouth but no words came out. He said he was praying.

I got Abby for my birthday so she didn't live very long. I think maybe she was sick. Her tank was dirty an awful lot. Dad was always cleaning it. He just cleaned it three days ago. That's what he kept saying this morning. I should have helped clean it more. I feel bad. Now she will never meet my new sister.


I got Abby out by myself. Mom made a noise when I didn't use the net to get her but I wanted to hold her in my arms. But she was too small so I just held her in my hand.

I wrapped her in a burial paper towel and carried her to the bathroom.


Dad called it a burial at sea. He needs to take the trash out too. I just noticed that.


I said a prayer even though my religion teacher says pets don't have souls. She is not very nice for a religion teacher. Abby had a soul. She was always happy to see me. Now she can swim in blue fish heaven and her tank will never have to be cleaned.


Goodbye Abby.


Hey. I just thought: Today is Friday the 13th. It really is bad luck day.


Monday, April 09, 2007


Baby Egg

Hi! This is Art Lad and I am writing my own blog now for today. I can type really good now and told Dad I can do it myself but he will still help me with spelling and stuff.

There has been a lot of news going on here. WE ARE HAVING A NEW BABY SISTER! We found out one dinner when we were having movie night on Friday a lot of weeks ago. That was when Mom only had a little bubble belly. NOW IT IS HUGE!

Look! You almost can't see my sister.


This is the second time I can remember having a baby. The first time was when my little sister came along. I was 2 and a half but I remember some of it. I remember getting a new room where I could have all my trains out and Dad helped me paint it. My sister got my old room but I didn't mind because it smelled like the attic and the floor was small and cold. I remember going to the hospital and Mom was all tired looking, but she was happy too. My sister was all tiny and angry then but she got better.

This new one is going to be another girl also. I'm happy because a little brother would break all my stuff. A little sister probably won't even care about my super guys and my fish Abby and my colored pencils.

The baby is supposed to come in May but I bet she will come early because Mom has early babies. I was two weeks early and my sister was three weeks early. If my new sister is 3 weeks early that means she will come next week!

We had Easter on Sunday and that was a lot of fun. We colored eggs. I love coloring eggs. You can make new colors that no one ever saw before. I like to dip my whole hand in the colors but my sister uses a dipper. My way is messy but I like it.

Look at my egg!


Later we went to my friend's house. They have a big back yard and we had an Easter Egg hunt there. I found 27 eggs with different things in them like candy and money and a compass ring to find my way home if I get lost. Me and my friends ran around like nutsos, but Mom couldn't run because the baby has got so big. She let me have the camera to take pictures. So I took one of Mom. It made me think of my egg.

Doesn't she look like a big Easter egg?


I can't wait for the baby!!!



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